Report 2

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Report 2: Artist Proposal Worksheet

In this report, you are asked to share your proposed selection of a specific artist and his/her approach to a scientific field with an outline of your initial understanding of their work.


Problem Statement.   Define a social/political/environmental problems that is of concern to you.  Examples might include climate change, energy shortages, brain behavior disorders, macular degeneration, or the like.  Tell us why this area of study is a challenge to the world and why it interests you personally.

State your selection of which artist and what is the scientific focus of this artist.  State why you made this selection. Pick the artist/visualizer, someone who produces or works with scientific renderings, from one of the following sources.  (Please note that these resources may be beneficial to you throughout the term for research to understand your artist, the science and art they explore, and other contexts for understanding their work.)

Art + Science Now Artist Resource List:
Leonardo, the journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology:
Artists in Labs:
Arts Catalyst Artist Resource List:
Ars Electronica Futurelab:
Synapse—Art Science Collaborations:

Research. Do some preliminary research about a) the artist and b) the science involved in the artist’s work through online sources, in library books, through journal databases at the library, etc. Note, i.e. write down/reference these sources and pertinent information about the artist, science involved, etc. Follow suggestions of how to conduct best research from our guest, Science Librarian Dean Walton. At this point, there should be at least four (4) sources with annotated bibliographies of each submitted (see for how to write an annotated bibliography).

Things to Learn. Write what you want to learn further about this specific artist, this type of science, and the type of visual display involved. This section should include 2-3 statements based on your research (cite the research and what you have to say or want to know more about it) and 2-3 well-developed questions (again, cite the research and explain why these are questions for you) about things in this topic area that highly interest you, confuse you, that you want to further study, or about which you would want to further dialogue with others.

Statements. Include statements in the proposal that clearly tells us:
*“I read this ______________ when researching this artist.  And then, I read this ________________ about the area of science [be specific as to what that is] in which she works.  The questions I now have about this artist and his/her work are:….” (list at least 2-3 questions)

*“The purpose of my research about this artist is……..”

*“So, after learning this brief information, I want to know more about this artist hat I want to learn about this artist is….”

*“And, what I want to learn more about the science presented in this artist’s work is……”

*“I hope other people will learn…. about this area of science. And I hope they will learn…..about this artist and style of art.”

Submit. Submit your proposal in class on Thursday, January 21.  Be prepared to share information about the artist you have selected and your interest in this artist with the class.  What stories does s/he tell?  What do you want to learn about the artist and the science involved?  Why is s/he important?