Laptops Tomorrow + Add an Arts Management Minor

Hi all,

Just a reminder to bring your laptops to class tomorrow for introduction to how to use UO Blogs for this class.  These activities, along with our guests from the Science Literacy program, will make an interesting day.

Also, I encourage all of you to consider adding an Arts Management Minor to your degree program.

Follow this link,, and see the attachments here to learn more:



I’d be happy to address any questions you have about the program.


Follow-up to Day 2/Preparing for Week 3

Greetings Art & Science fans,

I hope you start watching the wind and how it affects the world everywhere you go now after seeing two types of wind sculptures today. Have fun further exploring the wind sculpture at the Lillis Business Complex that we spend more time examining and considering during today’s class as you write Report 1.

Wind sculpture outside north entrance to UO Lillis Business Complex. Artist: Ned Kahn

Wind sculpture outside north entrance to UO Lillis Business Complex. Artist: Ned Kahn

Theo Jansen wind sculpture

Theo Jansen wind sculpture

Theo Jansen’s wind sculptures introductory video:

Below is a brief follow-up from today’s class session as well as overview of what to prepare for next week.
Please let us know if you have questions.

RosieTheRiveter_Norman Rockwell
Learn more about Norman Rockwell:

For Tuesday:
* If you haven’t already done so, purchase your course reading packet at the Duckstore, and have a sketchbook/journal ready for all classes.

* Please bring laptops to class

* Bring Report 1 — Your DARC analysis of the wind sculpture outside the Lillis Business Complex. UO Libraries page link: to begin some preliminary research about the artist and this specific sculpture

* Have your Journal 1 from today (the reading response to the chapter from Art + Science) ready to post when we show you how to use UO Blogs on Tuesday. Keep thinking about how you might apply ideas and examples from this reading to your term-long project.

* Prepare Journal 2, a list of 2-3 artists that interest you to explore for the term-long project. Include lists of the pros/cons of why these artists interest you. This does not need to be elaborate at this point in time. You will be much more specific when you prepare Report 2. Some resources to begin finding artists in science that interest you:

Art + Science Now Artist Resource List:
Leonardo, the journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology:
Artists in Labs:
Arts Catalyst Artist Resource List:
Ars Electronica Futurelab
Synapse—Art Science Collaborations:

*On Tuesday, we will have some engaging speakers from the UO’s Science Literacy Program, help you launch your personal UO Blog site for the course, and discuss Report 2

Day One and What to do for Thursday (Day 2)


Hi, we greatly enjoyed our first session together and sorry we did not have a bit more time to draw, but we will have other opportunities to draw throughout the term!

Here are the seminar resources found on our main site: (check the main home page for important announcements throughout the term).

Course Schedule:

Important:  Again in Week 8 there will be a required attendance for the OCT performance of Silent Sky, the show times have not been posted by OCT yet and once we have those we will announce the times.  Note also that this week has a field trip on Thursday to OCT, Eugene downtown, to meet with the production group for the show, and as such Tuesday is an optional open work lab meeting time.

Please note on the Course Schedule we have provided different ways information will be posted:

1.  A calendar with important dates,
2.  A detailed “course schedule” of each day, and
3.  A quick reference guide at the bottom of this Course Schedule page to specific Journal and Assignment Due Dates (just an outline, no instruction details).

Course Documents including the syllabus:

Other student project sites (for inspiration and ideas!):

Our emails: Robert = and Julie =

Important:  For Thursday here is what you need to work on:

  1. Purchase course reading packet from the UO Duckstore.
  2. Read Wilson’s chapter from Art + Science Now in the course packet 
(note: articles are printed alphabetically by author last name not by weekly order) and see #4 below for what you need to respond to in terms of your Journal writing.
  3. Acquire & bring a sketchbook/journal to all class sessions. You will submit many course assignments on your UO Blog site; however, it is important to have a hands-on journal available to you for sketching, note taking, and reflective writing as you prepare to finalize posts for the blog site.
  4. Write/Record Reading Response to Art + Science Now in your journal. Bring to class on Thursday, January 7th. This will be added to your student blog site later. (Journal #1) 
Note: We also suggest bringing a camera and/or video recorder for all class sessions as part of developing your journals.  Here are the questions to address for this reading:
    • Three to four key words that best describe the main themes of the writing.
    • One-sentence “purpose statement” describing the author’s main point/theme.
    • Two to three points, ideas, arguments, phrases, etc. that you found confusing (and/or would like more information about).
    • Five types of art, artists and/or science that you found most interesting.

Any questions?  Please let us know!


Robert and Julie

Videos from today!

Introduction and Welcome: Winter 2016

Sketch of skull structure by Leonardo da Vinci.

Welcome to the 2016 First-Year seminar ‘Arts Meets Science’!

In this seminar we work closely with students and various guest speakers as an academic cohort to address the following questions:

  • What are artistic and cultural meanings of scientific images?
  • How is scientific-based imagery displayed artistically and how do artists remix these visualizations in their own works?

When placed within artistic contexts, scientific images change meaning over time and become part of our visual culture. We will examine ways in which images, whether of the human body or the universe, are visually and artistically represented in public spaces and how such imagery tells us stories about our lives related to science. Each student will research and analyze a specific artist throughout the term. A final paper and visual presentation will be developed.

We are excited to learn from everyone as this term progresses!


Julie and Robert Voelker-Morris

Final Course Feedback

AAD 199 2015 Project Showcase Open House poster

Greetings Art Meets Science Presenters!

Excellent work Thursday morning showing off the strong projects you have developed over the term. Our guests were quite impressed and pleased with your work.

One faculty member in the humanities noted that your projects are helping him think about more creative engagement for a course project next year. Hannes Bend (one of our guest artists) said he loved the variety of approaches and concepts that you explored. Marilyn Linton of First-Year Programs noted her delight in the professionalism of your visuals and overall presentations. Nicely done!

A few reminders for Monday of Finals Week (due by 5pm):

* Please submit Report 5/Final project paper
* Please submit your final journal entry (described below)
* Please feel free to add any additional components or make revisions to your project blog site
* Robert and I will send the links to your projects to UO colleagues before or during spring break.

Of course, feel free to continue working on these project sites as long as you want given your own interest in the subject matter, research, and other projects with which you engage during the course of your studies with the UO.

Final Journal entry: What did you learn about your project through the final display? What are your project’s strengths at this point? Weaknesses? What are opportunities you can build on if you would continue with this project? What may be threatening to or risking the best outcomes for the project? (Journal #23).

Thanks for a great term!
Julie & Robert