Greetings, Everyone!
It was nice to connect with you during this morning’s class.
We know we kept things quite busy today. Note that not each day will be quite as diverse in focus. We just wanted to give you a brief taste of some of the types of activities with which we will engage during the term while introducing the overall topics to you.
I understand that your wheels are already turning as at least one individual has already begun considering an approach to the term-long project. This is exciting! Don’t worry if you don’t have an idea. You have time and this will come to you. Robert and I will assist, support, and encourage you along the way. This also applies if you don’t feel you are either “scientific” or “artistic” enough. Everyone is creative and can be successful in this course. We will assist you in navigating your personal approach to the project.
The course blog site available to you is on UO blogs at You may need to login to the site. Just use your regular UO email login ( and password.
The Course Syllabus can be found under the “Resources-Course Documents” link.
Follow the “Course Schedule” link to find out what’s coming up in the class. A reminder that for Thursday, you should complete the following:
- Purchase course reading packet from the UO Duckstore.
- Acquire & bring a sketchbook/journal to all class sessions. You will submit your assignments on your UO Blog site; however, it is important to have a hands-on journal available to you for sketching, note taking, and reflective writing as you prepare to finalize posts for the blog site.
- Read Wilson’s chapter from Art + Science Now (in the course reading packet you purchased at the Duckstore)
- Write/Record Reading Response to Art + Science Now in your journal. Bring to class on Thursday. This will be added to your student blog site on Thursday. (Journal #1)
- Look for your copy of The Emotional Life of Your Brain.
Please let either of us know if you have any questions. We’re always glad to clarify, discuss, and explore further.
All the best,
Julie & Robert