Hello, everyone,
Fun class session today as the workshop with Kris Kirkeby brought together the arts and sciences again through hands-on practice in this creative way.
Kris Kirkeby. Water Bills.
A few reminders about upcoming course scheduling:
Journal 18:
If you haven’t done it already, make certain to complete Journal 18 overviewing what you learned about your project through Tuesday’s review and self-assessment. What are your project’s strengths? Weaknesses? What are opportunities you can build on? What may be threatening to or risking the best outcomes for the project?
Kris Kirkeby, Scientific Illustrator. Photo from The Register-Guard newspaper.
Kris Kirkeby:
From today’s class, you can learn more about Kris Krikeby, Scientific Illustrator, by following the guest presenter’s resource page on our main blog course site. (This will be available soon.)
You can begin an introduction to John Cody, the “Audobon of Moths”, at The Great Plains Nature Center site, http://www.gpnc.org/johncody.htm
Mayalsian Moon Moth by John Cody
For next Tuesday:
Please bring your initial course survey outlining your goals for the term, questions about the final project, and thoughts about the course.
We will also discuss the best time for the most class members to be able to enjoy some time at Yogurt Extreme to celebrate your hard work and our time together this term. This event will happen sometime next Thursday.
Journal 19:
Please make certain to complete Journal 19 regarding how you may apply aspects of ideas and experiences from our guest today to your final professional project. Due Tuesday.
By Next Thursday:
And, of course, please finalize all aspects of term project (online creative display, final paper, etc.). Details of your creative display should be finished and fully coalesced and professionalized by Thursday, March 10, 10a.m. as we expect our guests for the show case to arrive by 10:15 that morning.
Please invite friends, colleagues, and relatives to our final showcase highlighting your work during the term.
Any outstanding journal entries, assignments, and achievements not yet completed need to be finalized by Friday of Week 10, March 11, 5p.m.
By Finals Week:
Robert and I have determined that it may be helpful to you to to have a few days extension to fully meet the requirements for Report 5. To that end, we are extending the deadline for submission of the paper to Monday, March 14, 5p.m. This should be submitted in person to one of our offices or via email.
During Finals Week:
During our scheduled final exam time, we will have a chance to socialize, play with our puppy, and enjoy some donuts or other treats. Details TBD.
As always, please let us know if you have questions with which we can assist.