Day 13 Follow-up


Greetings all,

Today we had an interesting tour of some of the integrated science labs on the UO campus with Hannes Bend (learn more about Hannes and his current artistic research project at

Hannes Bend speaking. Integrated Sciences Building Forum.

Hannes Bend speaking. Integrated Sciences Building Forum.

Labs visited included Benjamin Aleman‘s lab and the Institute for Neuroscience.  What did you enjoy more? The viewing chambers and headcaps or the explorations with laser lights and meeting points of quantum and classic physics?

Dr. Benjamin Aleman speaking about his physics lab.

Dr. Benjamin Aleman speaking about the work in his physics lab.

Reminders for Thursday:
*Journal entry: What was of interest to you in Hannes Bend’s presentation/tour? What will you take away to apply to your term project? (Journal #15)

*Read: article by Rau in course packet
*Write/Record & Post your reading response for article by Rau (Journal #16)

*Please bring items needed for working on storyboarding and visual design planning for your final project during Thursday’s class session.  We will be working on your project’s digital component planning further during this class period.

*Responses to your annotated bibliographies will be provided by Thursday as well.

As always, please let us know if you have questions.
Julie & Robert

Following up with Day 12/Preparing for next Tuesday

Greetings Art & Science Investigators,

“Anatomy Department, University of Oregon Medical School,” (1913), OHSU Digital Commons, accessed February 12, 2015,

“Anatomy Department, University of Oregon Medical School,” (1913), OHSU Digital Commons, accessed February 12, 2015,

How excellent to have an opportunity to hold and study a human heart in class today!  Thanks for joining our class today, Sierra Dawson.

I hope you walked away thinking further about the importance and relevance of representations.  How they help us as well as ways in which they “lie” or do not serve. What does drawing/illustration do that a 3D model cannot?  How does a 3D model assist in ways that a preserved heart cannot? And of course, how does an actual heart assist in understanding that no model can replace?

A reminder that Report 3/Annotated Bibliographies were due by class today.  We have received many but not all of these.  If you forgot to submit yours, please do so immediately.

Also, if you plan to “Name an Achievement” for yourself for the term, that outline needs to be submitted by the end of the day (5p.m.) tomorrow, Friday, February 13.

In preparation for next Tuesday’s session with artist Hannes Bend, please read and respond in your journals to the two articles sent by email. In particular, pay attention to the “Genetics of Creativity” article.  Hannes hopes to speak some to these articles with you as part of the day with him.

We will update you if our meeting location changes.  Hannes is trying to get a room for us in the Integrated Sciences building so that we could also tour some of the labs he is connected with.  We will inform you if this happens.

As always, please let us know if you have questions.

Julie & Robert

Day 11 Follow-up

Greetings Art & Science Analyzers,

The first part of class today, we worked on updating the worksheets used in class last Thursday based on the peer feedback you received as well as research you are putting together for Report 3/Annotated Bibliography.

Eakins_AgnewClinicThe Agnew Clinic. Portrait of David Hayes Agnew and students. (1889) Thomas Eakins. Dimensions: 7’0″ x 9’10”. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Museum of Art.

During the second part of class, we looked at Interior Bodily Portraits and ethics of display as well as purposes from artistic and scientific perspectives. Slides can be accessed on the course site at  You can access some great links of videos and related sources on our course site at  Consider questions these examples raise for you and how you may want to talk about related issues with our guest on Thursday.

A reminder that Report 3/Annotated Bibliography is due this Thursday, Feb. 12.  We be will working further on aspects of the term project during the first part of class on Thursday followed by a guest visit from Sierra Dawson, Senior Instructor in Human Physiology.

Please let us know if you have additional questions.
Julie & Robert

Follow Up Day 10: Part 2


Hi, I wanted to second Julie’s BIG thank you for all your thoughtful and hard work this last week. I realize it was a bit more intense in terms of keeping things totally focused for the entire sessions Tuesday and Thursday.

Tuesday’s session was a very important one in terms of how I see this class addressing theoretical and applied ideas of how art and science visuals are defined within our cultural, historical, and personal contexts. AND it is very important to consider what was presented as you move forward on being trained within your college career to become leaders in your chosen fields of study and work. As such I feel this is in many ways some of the most important content to move from the initial ideas of “art meets science” to the “so what.” As in the “so what” of why it is important for us to step outside of our individual assumptions and be able to step back and contemplate the complex ways in which others around us create shared and different meanings. Also please note that I tried to model much of what that worksheet was asking of you in the last part of Tuesday’s session (this worksheet is VERY important to hold on to for we will be coming back to it later).

Thursday’s session was also key in terms of moving forward this term, and again thank you all for taking the time to give your peers feedback and also presenting your projects. It can be a challenge for sure (especially those of you going last!) to keep the focus up. It is a hard session to plan out for us, for we realize it is a lot to take in during one session but also there is an important need to get everyone’s ideas out there for feedback.

***Remember to add in a Journal entry this weekend looking over the feedback you received and answering those questions on the backside of the feedback sheets. Trust us, this will REALLY help your moving forward. Remember your projects are not just about you individually, but are about your audience! In this online exhibition format if your visitors miss your main points initially there is no way to go back and help them understand!***

And lastly I have attached (see below) a flowchart diagram outlining what Julie and I tried to communicate about the different layers of your research and Creative Display, and note: 1) The ways in which we expect visuals/visualizations to be part of BOTH sides of the project; 2) The arrows of how one side informs the other side and the importance of you being able to articulate these connections can NOT be understated; 3) That the “Exhibit” encompasses BOTH sides of the project (it is all one package). Yes that was TMI within the moment of Thursday’s session when you all were trying to present your ideas! Sorry about that!

As always please let us know if you have any questions.



Click on the image for a larger version

You can click on the image for a larger version

Day 10 Follow Up: Part 1

Greetings Art & Science Creators!

Thanks to each of you for sharing your developing ideas today. You are building your work right on track and we are enjoying how each of you are finding your amazement in your project, whether that is about the small actions that make big impact (hurricanes; curiosity and happiness) to big ideas that have innumerable impact in our daily lives (molecular gastronomy; fractals) or how our physical and mental makeup or choices of consumption may influence art (Edward Munch; Karla Chambers; Caryl Churchill) or, and or, and or…. with all the ideas each of you are finding synergy.

A reminder to post an extended journal entry (Journal #11) regarding the variety of feedback you received from your presentations in today’s class. In what ways are responses you received informing your next steps in the process? How are they helping you reimagine or more clearly define your goals for the project? Or the medium or style in which the creative response will be presented? What did you learn about your project through the midterm review? What are your projects strengths? Weaknesses? What are opportunities you can build on? What may be threatening to or risking the best outcomes for the project? Due no later than 10a.m. Monday.

Tuesday’s class will be exploring bodily interiors. Be prepared to talk about the readings by Barilan, Sturken & Cartwright, and Werbel. Journal 12, your reading response to these articles is due by class time on Tuesday.

A reminder that Report 3: Annotated Bibliographies is due next Thursday, February 12.

A couple of you asked about possibly meeting on Friday. I am available between approximately 10:30 and 11:45 tomorrow morning.
