Report 4

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Report 4:

Initial Draft of Researched Creative Statement for final paper. This is the first draft version of the paper that accompanies your artistic/exhibition creation. In your paper, describe how the social/political/environmental problem, the artist, and the science that you have selected reinforces, unsettles, or changes traditional or popular understandings and attitudes about the chosen topic.

Supporting citations/references from Report 3/Annotated Bibliography are expected to be cited throughout Report 4 in order to document, build, and direct your arguments, goals, and objectives for this project. Cite at least 2 course readings and the 10 additional research sources that you have found in support of your discussion.

There should be total of at least:

  • 4 pages (1200 words) of text involved
  • Reference citations as described above
  • Please include your name, the course title, assignment due date, and the title of your report at the top of the page following APA format.
  • Include a reference page for all cited sources. APA formatting examples can be accessed at:

Reflect on the following:

  1. Describe the problem/challenge that you have selected. That is, what social interests or political agendas does this public visualization of science support?
  2. Describe the focus of the artist and scientific context you’ve selected.
  3. Explain how this science and art are interconnected in creative dialogue and visualization for the general public or pop culture to understand the problem being explored.
  4. How does this artist’s work engage, raise awareness, inform understanding, or reframe/change public understanding of the science and problem involved?
  5. How do political and social interest influence this artist’s work?
  6. What are you creating in response to this art and science? Why is this important to you and your process?
  7. What is the medium in which you are working to express your own response? Describe your process working in this medium? What does it do that other mediums cannot?
  8. How did this artist’s work inform your own visual and creative approach/process to the topic?
  9. Reflect on your responses to questions 6-8. Why have you selected this as your process and product?
  10. What do you hope to learn from this process and final product creation?
  11. What do you hope that others will do (i.e. act upon) after encountering your final display?