Creative Display 1

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Creative Display 1:

Creative Display 1 will outline your proposed final creative display/response to the artist(s) and scientific topic of importance you have selected in Report 1. This draft explores the initial steps that you are taking as an exhibition designer/artist to share your understanding of the artist and the science involved in his/her work.

This Creative Display 1 is working towards the final creative display in that the overall goal of the final creative display for the term project is to produce your own artistic scientific rendering about the artist and his/her approach to scientific imagery. This should not be a reiteration (re-visioning, reworking, etc.) of the artist’s work or the science involved. Making your own research about the artist visible will allow you (as an exhibition designer/artist) to go beyond a personal experiencing, understanding, critiquing, and interpreting images to rendering, creating, visualizing, and producing your own visualizations for others to better understand your chosen artist’s work and themes.

For Creative Display 1, submit the following through work produced in your course journal:

a) visual brainstorming lists, thumbnail sketches, idea lists, word clouds, word associations, etc. that have helped inspire your thinking and general visualization about the artist and science

b) all sketches, mockups, general storyboard outlines, etc., completed to date, of what the project visual will look like. Include a statement about why you are considering this approach at this time and how it best represents others understanding what the social problem is and how this scientific and artistic approach seeks to address the problem.

c) a sample version of the format/medium in which you intend to produce the creative display (website, poster, PDF, interactive analysis, chart, map, sculpture, painting, video, live performance, or word document)

d) a statement describing in what ways the creative display will be interactive, probing, and otherwise engaging the audience to make the science, research, and artistry involved come to life

e) statements that answer the following:
• “The purpose of my creative project is……..”
• “The questions that my creative project addresses about the social problem involved are….”
• “The questions that my creative project answers about my selected area of scientific study and the artist involved are….”
• “The visual impact I hope my creative project has is…”
• “I hope other people will learn from or do because of this display ….”

f) A brief outline of next steps and timeline you will need to complete the project in a professional, finalized way for public display.