Hi all,
Just a note that Robert & I are really looking forward to tomorrow — and hope that you are too! We see how you’ve been progressing on your blogs since yesterday, and it’s all looking great. Keep going.
We’ve heard from folks in Landscape Architecture, the art museum, some of our guest presenters, faculty in Arts & Administration, and others who are planning to stop in and see your great work. They are very excited to see what you have created. This will be fun!
And yes, I had confirmation this morning that the tables should be there so we should be able to arrange the room how we would like. Please come as early as you are able to help set up. We can move chairs to the hallway (within reason) and so forth to set the room up as needed.
A few scheduling reminders:
- Thursday (tomorrow): Set up and check in from about 9:30-10:15a.m. — Final project complete and professionalized
Guests arrive between 10:20-11:35. — Share your work & have fun talking to engaged members of campus
Take down/Wrap up 11:35-11:50 — Thanks for a good term. Goodbye for now & where might this project go next?
Yogurt Extreme on 13th (by Duckstore) 6:15p.m. — Social hour - Monday, March 14 — Final paper (Report 5) due by 5pm. Drop off at one of our offices or direct email.
- Tuesday, March 15 — Final Journal entry due: What did you learn about your project through the final display? What are your project’s strengths at this point? Weaknesses? What are opportunities you can build on if you would continue with this project? What may be threatening to or risking the best outcomes for the project?
- Wednesday, March 16 — Donuts & Puppy time!
See you tomorrow.
-Julie and Robert