Greetings Art Meets Science Lovers!
How GREAT to draw, play with models, hold a real heart, discuss values around, and enact the action of the heart with Sierra Dawson in class today! I hope this helped you better understand intersections between the science behind an object, its aesthetic appeal, and the cultural values and meanings we place upon them.
Some of us feel more comfortable with this:
Drawing a representation of a human heart
Others of us are more comfortable with an animated model:
and still others of us love getting as close an approximation as possible:
even the “real” thing:
Human Heart from the University of Arizona’s Anatomy Explorer
Some of us (like Case) want to know about growing alternative body parts,
possibly like the artist Stelarc’s Ear on Arm Project.
Stelarc Ear on Arm (2008-2012)
Some of us were so inspired by today’s session that we have decided to register for courses in the UO’s Department of Human Physiology or want to know more ways to Dance our Dissertations (or other research).
Additionally, Robert and I continue to challenge you to define your project in one word or one short phrase. Why is that the central idea of your project? And then, if you called your best friend, a parent, a coach, what would you concisely tell them (1-2 minutes) about the project and what it means or how it is relevant to the world today. Or maybe, you consider writing them a one-page letter, email, or short text about the project. How would you tell them what you are doing and why it matters?
We look forward to reviewing Report 3/Your annotated bibliographies helping define more of the science, art history, and cultural implications of your projects.
Assignment Reminders:
Journal 13: What did you learn today from Dr. Dawson? What did you learn from the stories and examples she shared? How will you apply these ideas to your term project? To your life? Due by 10a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 16.
Journal 14: Write & Post your reading response for the chapter by Rau (in your course packet). Due by 10a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 16. Come prepared to work on your term project, particularly your blog sites. Bring computers or other devices for this work.
As always, let us know if you have questions about your project, your individual work in the course, going to the theatre event in a few weeks, or anything else related to the class.