Hi all,
A good session today. I hope this was helpful in practicing how to find a variety of sources and consider their usefulness your projects. The ability to find relevant, accurate, well-resourced information, theoretical content, and imagery is key to building a strong project this term (and with any research project you present).
Keep working toward how you will present your project for public display and public audience. What is the nugget of the social or environmental problem you want to examine in the artist’s work? How is that relevant to other people and the world we live in? How does the science help in understanding the artist’s approach as well as the significance to the world?
See also this UO Libraries resource section for “Getting Started with Research.”
Reminders of deadlines:
***Journal #10 (by Tuesday of Wk5): Post some quick notes about the types of search terms you used today — as well as those you think you should try — to search for articles, books, etc. about the science behind your project, the artist, etc. Don’t forget, you may even want to contact the artist or a scientist directly!
***Creative Display 1 (due and presented Thursday, Feb. 4) — first draft(s) of the research visualization you are developing for the project. Remember, if you haven’t already spent 4-5 hours on the project, you need to bring that focused energy/time to this stage of the process now. See details at https://blogs.uoregon.edu/aad199artmeetsscience/resources/assignment-resources/creative-display-1/
***Report 3/Annotated Bibliography (due Thursday, Feb. 11) See: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/aad199artmeetsscience/resources/assignment-resources/report-3/
**We’ll have more detailed responses to Report 2 back to you in the next few days.
**Pizza party Thursday! Details will be forthcoming in an email.
As always, let us know if you have questions.
Video Resources:
Serious Versions for Your Reference:
Four Search Strategies for Library Research
Developing a Search Strategy
Not so serious version!
And the don’t worry about being too weird with your research video!