Greetings Art & Science fans,
I hope you start watching the wind and how it affects the world everywhere you go now after seeing two types of wind sculptures today. Have fun further exploring the wind sculpture at the Lillis Business Complex that we spend more time examining and considering during today’s class as you write Report 1.
Theo Jansen’s wind sculptures introductory video:
Below is a brief follow-up from today’s class session as well as overview of what to prepare for next week.
Please let us know if you have questions.
Learn more about Norman Rockwell:
For Tuesday:
* If you haven’t already done so, purchase your course reading packet at the Duckstore, and have a sketchbook/journal ready for all classes.
* Please bring laptops to class
* Bring Report 1 — Your DARC analysis of the wind sculpture outside the Lillis Business Complex. UO Libraries page link: to begin some preliminary research about the artist and this specific sculpture
* Have your Journal 1 from today (the reading response to the chapter from Art + Science) ready to post when we show you how to use UO Blogs on Tuesday. Keep thinking about how you might apply ideas and examples from this reading to your term-long project.
* Prepare Journal 2, a list of 2-3 artists that interest you to explore for the term-long project. Include lists of the pros/cons of why these artists interest you. This does not need to be elaborate at this point in time. You will be much more specific when you prepare Report 2. Some resources to begin finding artists in science that interest you:
Art + Science Now Artist Resource List:
Leonardo, the journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology:
Artists in Labs:
Arts Catalyst Artist Resource List:
Ars Electronica Futurelab:
Synapse—Art Science Collaborations:
*On Tuesday, we will have some engaging speakers from the UO’s Science Literacy Program, help you launch your personal UO Blog site for the course, and discuss Report 2