Day 14 Follow Up: Part 1

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Hi All,

In this posting:
*Links to our course site
*Overview of today’s class
*Planning your project steps for the next few weeks
*Overview of assignments for Tuesday
*Attached articles to read & respond to for Gerri Ondrizek’s visit

A reminder that our course site is found at The course schedule to track due dates/journaling assignments and such is at

A somewhat low-key day for class; however, lots of productive work is happening working on final projects.

We focused on parts #6, 8 & 9 of the process worksheet handed out in class a couple weeks ago.
Continue updating and revising these as ideas develop and your process unfolds. Section 8 gets you to think about how you will introduce your project site as a whole to your audience. Section 9 asks you to conduct preliminary sketches of pages to be included in your site design.

Section 6 was about interactive components that could be added to your project for audience engagement. A nice list of ideas was generated, including:

*maps — these can be embedded using the Google widget in UO Blogs

* music — in the background to set the mood of the exhibit or for specific purposes of sharing information or providing examples

* optical illusions and/or fractal generators to encourage viewers to engage with the images on deeper levels

* doodling sites and/or forums (examples: | that can be embedded in the blog site or linked out to

*photos, particularly when considering layout and arrangement for audience engagement. Styles could include a photo essay, commentary, or questioning strategies among others.

*recipes — possibly even creating a entire site to have the look/feel of a recipe

*video tutorials on subject matter

*links and videos within the resources lists and/or other aspects of the project site

*prezi presentations (see which can be embedded within the blog

*ThingLink interactive ( with commentary, video and audio links, etc.; again, this can also be embedded within a blog site.

Questions about UO Blogs and setting up widgets or other details within your site can be directed to Kelsey Lunsman at

Remember to plan out your goals for completion of work for the next few weeks. Here’s what the next couple of weeks look like (generally) for our class. How will you take small steps each week, each day, to complete your final project?

Week 8
Tuesday — project work/short museum visit in class — please bring computers/tablets
Thursday — Gerri Ondrizek workshop
Friday — “Name Your Achievements” proposals due

Week 9
Tuesday — Present your 2nd draft of your creative display (basically at 75% completion)
Thursday — visit to Museum of Natural & Cultural History

Week 10
Tuesday — project work in class
Thursday — present your blog displays & celebrate

Assignments for next week (Week 8):

Journal Entry: In what ways will you apply data visualization thinking and display tools to your final professional project? [This is what we did in class today so is just your reflection on this process and its application to your project.] (Journal #17)

We will continue to work on these ideas and aspects of your projects in class on Tuesday. Please bring your computers/tablets, etc. for our in-class work session.

Work on Report 4 (draft of final paper) and Creative Display 2 (draft of final creative project). Due Tuesday, Week 9.

Read and respond to the attached articles (from the email we sent) for our conversation and hands-on project work with artist, Gerri Ondrizek, next Thursday.

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