About Myself


Photo: Myself in Tunisia at the Star Wars Site


This year is my first year in the Historic Preservation Master’s Program at the University of Oregon and already have I learned so much! I have a background in Urban Planning, where I got my Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Cincinnati. I have spent time overseas traveling, mostly in my home continent of Africa, but also in Europe (mostly the U.K.) and throughout North America. As a first-generation American I have gone back to my home country of Somaliland and spent time throughout the East African region visiting Kenya and Tanzania primarily.

My focuses in preservation are currently tied to adaptive reuse planning and transportation related issues within the field of HP with a particular interest in warehouses. I am fortunate enough to have had a variety of experiences to observe architecture in foreign countries and throughout the U.S. and I strive to use the opportunities that I have had to prosper in my field as a professional and an individual.