A maximum number of points are shown next to each item on the list. An item that is well photographed and provides a fine illustration of the item, will receive the highest number of points. Make sure the item is large enough to be the focus of the photo but not without some context. All of the items on the list need a little context. One and only one photo per item. Prize for the highest number of points earned by a student will be Dictionary of Historic Preservation By Ward Bucher. Runner up and Best Examples will also be awarded.
The product will be images submitted to the AAA Fileserver.
- Please put them in a folder named “03 Photo Hunt”.
- Label each photo with “Initials-“Element Name”.jpg
- Ex. SS-Jalousie.jpg
- It is also helpful to identify the location and the date in the metadata if you can. It is not required.
- Images only need to be 800×600 in size and JPG format per Oregon SHPO standards. You will not get bonus points for HD images.