Images from Department of Architecture Reviews: Architecture Design Track II (Bryan & Larco); Architecture Design (Davis); and Architecture Design (Dorn & Smith).
Images of Product Design Students in the BFA Studio Final Review (Leahy, Maitra)
EVERYTHING IS OURS 2015 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Arts Thesis Exhibition
EVERYTHING IS OURS 2015 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Arts Thesis Exhibition, Opening reception for Portland’s First Thursday June 4, 6:00 p.m. at the White Box
June 4 – July 23, 2015
First Thursday Reception, June 4, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
EVERYTHING IS OURS is an exhibition that presents the culminating work of 9 students graduating from The University of Oregon Department of Art Digital Arts Program. From pencil on paper to digital animation to video installation, the wide variety of work on display pushes the collective understanding of digital arts.
The Digital Arts Program at the University of Oregon encourages students to combine new media practice and visual art theory, with strong technical sophistication, a rich sense of visual design, and an ability to articulate artistic research. The UO program in digital arts emphasizes creative thinking, experimentation, visual communication delivery systems, and intense research. The clear and honest visual communication of an idea requires a fluent understanding of the visual language and the ability to articulate it.
Presenting work by artists,
WHITE BOX 24 NW First Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209-4038
LIGHT OUT : University of Oregon and Portland State University Department of Art MFA Exchange Exhibition Opens at Portland's White Box
LIGHT OUT is a White Box exhibition of current University of Oregon Department of Art Master of Fine Art candidates curated by students in Portland State University’s Department of Art MFA program. The exhibit is part of an exchange centered around studio visits and conversations between both PSU and UO art departments’ MFA candidates. The first component of the exhibition exchange, Sometimes Between Notions, featuring PSU MFA students was hosted at Ditch Projects in Springfield, Oregon, April 2013.
To read more about how this exchange has taken place, please read the blog post.
The University of Oregon and Portland State University Art Departments invite you to celebrate the closing of their one-week exhibition, LIGHT OUT at the White Box on Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 6:00-9:00p.m. This White Box reception will illuminate the exchange of ideas and collaboration between the two cohorts of MFA students.
The following is a collection of images from the exhibition currently on view until May 4.
Work by Robert Beam (in foreground)Benjamin LenoirBenjamin LenoirBenjamin LenoirSamantha CohenSamantha CohenSamantha CohenJohn WhittenJohn WhittenJohn WhittenRobert BeamNika NaiserNika NaiserMorgan RosskopfMorgan Rosskopf