Digital Arts Program Winter Reviews 2016 with Professor Craig Hickman

Students in the Digital Arts Program in Portland exhibited their work during final reviews of winter term, 2016.  The course, Issues and Practices in Digital Arts, taught winter 2016 by Professor Craig Hickman, focused on discussion of the artist’s intention, structure, content, context, and the meaning of each student’s studio work. As advanced students, they were encouraged to speak openly about their practice and to gain and accept feedback from their peers and community arts members. Critiques, such as the final reviews, are designed to assist in the preparation and construction of their individual final projects. Each student is responsible for addressing the conceptual, methodological, and theoretical concerns in their work and discussing their work with core professionals who attend the reviews.

Students in the program include:

Marion Rosas
Jonathan Kim
Alexander Prestrelski
Justus Vega
Clara Munro
Brandon Rains
Anthony Hou
Kathleen Darby
Anna Pearson
Deandra Stokes
Kendall Wagner
Jiana Chen
Sam Lillard

Reviewers who attended the winter 2016 review session were, Dominic Cardoso, Randy Mave, Karen Munro, Ying Tan, Blake Shell, John Park, Eric Mast, Colin Williams, Lisa DeGrace, Rick Silva, Jeff Jahn, Michael Salter, Tomas Valladares, and John Leahy.

The following are a series of images taken by Sabina Poole during the final reviews as students presented their work.



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