Story archive for the School of Architecture and Allied Arts
Story archive for the School of Architecture and Allied Arts
Michael Salter, Director of Digital Arts and Associate Professor of Digital Art, has been commissioned by the Progressive® Corporation for a multi-layered project. Developing 32 icons representative of their corporate mission, 10 of which will be curated into the Progressive® Corporate art collection as large drawings and one massive graphic ‘mash-up’ will exist as a site specific vinyl wall sticker. Many of the icons will be applied to web use. Curator, H. Scott Westover, and Michael Salter worked closely together to visually communicate concepts like trust, respect, integrity, empowerment, and a long list of other beautiful ideas and ethics in his unusual reductive-icon language.
“When Progressive asked me to develop a series of icons for their corporate art collection that were to visually communicate social responsibility, I said ‘absolutely.’ My work is fully invested in the language of icons, the reductive visual language, and when the language I love can be used to deliver concepts like accountability, generosity, and integrity I am thrilled to be a part of it. Art and design are used to sell a lot of things in this world, and not often enough are they used to poetically and emphatically represent simple, lovely, heartfelt ideas.”
– Michael Salter
For more information about our featured artist, visit his site –
UO Digital Arts student Chris Ralston ( has been selected as a winner in the Hugo Create global design contest from HUGO fragrances by HUGO BOSS. Ralston’s design (pictured above) was selected as one of ten global winners for round 12 of the design contest.
From the website: “10 winners are selected each round. Each winner receives $500 cash. In each round, one winner gets published in i-D, a prestigious international urban magazine, and some designs will be selected to be painted on New York walls during the month of September.”
See the contest winners at: