Dear CultureWorkers:
In the Fall 2009 edition of CultureWork, we present stories of artists passionate about their ideas on current topics, particularly the personal as political and the political as personal. In each story, artists and curators work with new ways of storytelling culturally sensitive content within their chosen venues.
In The Bailout Biennial by elin o’Hara slavick and María DeGuzmán, we find curators and artists coming together quickly to create a large-scale art exhibit, which addressed the questions surrounding the government sponsored bailouts of large corporations earlier this year.
Likewise, in Creating & Performing Pinang & Ayu: A Love Story–A Lesbian Shadow-Puppet Performance, Summer Melody Pennell explores the dynamics of homosexual relationships in Indonesia, and how the artistic medium of performance can give voice to the normally unheard and oppressed. Pennell also explores the dynamics of what it means to be a spectator from another culture and the ways in which bonds can be formed through creative expression.
We hope these personal stories of experience with alterations of traditional presentation formats will spark your own creative thinking for exhibits and performances within your own community.
To read the latest edition of CultureWork, please visit:
Julie Voelker-Morris
Robert Voelker-Morris