AAD Friday Forum: Marc Moscato

Marc Moscato: AAD Friday Forum (2/13/09)


Marc Moscato is an artist, curator and activist living in Portland, OR. His short films and videos have screened at film festivals, theaters and non-traditional spaces across the country, including the New York Underground Film Festival, Chicago Underground Film Festival, Video Mundi Festival and many more.

Moscato has more than 10 years experience working in marketing and communications and has worked for the Museum of Contemporary Craft, City Club of Portand, Microcosm Publishing, Peripheral Produce and the Squeaky Wheel, in addition to directing DIY arts center, “My House” in Eugene, OR, 2001-2003.

My Life in 75 Slides

Marc Moscato, AAD Alumnus, 2003, presents a slide lecture on working from both the margins of radical Do It Yourself (DIY) culture and from within city policy in affecting community change. Covering his involvement in anti-globalization organizing, directing a DIY center and working for Portland’s premier arts and cultural institutions, Moscato will also speak about how place and social history continues to inform his work.

For more information on Marc Moscato visit:

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