Friday, April 25, 2008
3:00-4:30 pm, Proctor 41, Knight Library
To register, contact Robert Voelker-Morris,, 346-1934.
Presenters: Robert Voelker- Morris (TEP/Arts and Administration), & Annie Zeidman-Karpinski (Science & Technical Services Librarian)
No, this is not about Ms. Pac-Man getting her degree. Much more than simple entertainment, video games are used to explore visual content delivery, roleplaying, reflective research practice, and complex design principles. We will discuss and show best practice examples of the use of video games in university courses and may give you the chance to test your own gaming skills! Robert Voelker- Morris, Teaching Effectiveness Program/ Arts Administration, will demo his video game module produced by the Center for Educational Technologies; Annie Zeidman-Karpinski, Science & Technical Services Librarian, will present on the Science Library’s video game collection.