New Issue of CultureWork Published

Previously in CultureWork, Victoria Saunders explored what it means for the arts and culture sectors as they undergo generational leadership change. In this issue, Saunders continues the conversation on arts and cultural leadership, exploring the less often acknowledged, sometimes seemingly invisible, mid-career managers. Spanning the Baby Boom and Generation X populations, mid-career managers find themselves balancing the stresses of middle management careers with their high level of commitment to arts and culture. In this first of two articles, Saunders introduces this group of professionals and the ways in which they define themselves at this stage of their careers.


A&AA graduates win design competition for Hong Kong harbor

The coverage from the South China Morning Post: Click on the photocopy of the story for a better, easier-to-read view. The art, at right, was part of the newspaper’s coverage.

South China Post story on UO grads Art of ’Amphibian Carpet’

Below is a photo of the winning team, minus one of the UO grads. Click on image for a larger view.

And the winners are ... The four founders of Designing Hong Kong present the winning team members (in bold) with the top prize. Left to right: Paul Zimmerman, Christine Loh, Selah Au (M.Arch.’06), Bart Chui (M.Arch.’06), Hins Cheung, Peter Wong, Markus Shaw. Not pictured: Lewis Chui (M.Arch.’96). Following the competition, Au returned to Hong Kong and works for Index Architecture. Bart Chui is with Daly Genik Architects in Los Angeles. Lewis Chui is a senior architect at LRS Architects in Portland, Ore.