*Final Review: Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 2pm start time TBD. Rooms LA 278 and LA 279. Consider the final review as serious occasions, but also…
Incomplete Manifesto for Growth Allow events to change you. You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you….
Two-Word Title, typically this can include the quality, an design strategy and or context. Example: Integrated Making (See Description and Program post) Thesis Paragraph, consider highlighting…
Oregon cities have long been cited as place of varied natural amenities, temperate climate, social engagement and low cost of living. Major industrial leaders have…
From Qualities toward a Parti Due: Friday, 10-09-15 Objective: In the design of a complex building, a wide range of environmental qualities and forces, constraints,…
Site Analysis Off-Site and On-Site Readings, please write a paragraph or 3-5 bullet points for each Click here for “Envelope” in Pidgen Seven reading by…
The objective of architecture and interior architecture is to create a built environment that serves the people of its time and place. The work of…