Assignment For Friday, revised for Monday

Assignment For Friday, revised for Monday

Connection between analysis of maker space human experience off-site and site-specific analysis.

Readings, please write a paragraph or 3-5 bullet points for each

Click here for “Envelope” in Pidgen Seven reading by Alejandro Zaera-Polo which talks about Latour’s idea of attachment and materiality. click here for a link to James Corner’s article Not Unlike Life Itself.  Consider the ideas of time and systems.

Site Visit, Philip’s Phone 917-579-0152

11am, Meet at the site


1pm, ADX, 14,000 sqft Maker Space

Ford Building,

3, Phat Pencil Design Studio

3:30pm, Measuring exercise (Philip to provide Excel with geo-points + Google My Maps)

Site Documentation, Traditional, Hard Lined, Print 1-4 maximum 11×17 portrait, Post to A&AA Server Space or studio weblog (students from each studio section) For the plan drawings below please see my hand diagrams on 8 1/2 x 11 on the south wall in Philip’s studio.

  • City Plan, Katherine and Abby
  • District Plan, VL Erik B
  • Neighborhood Plan, Kayla Nacho and Stephanie
  • 3×3 block area in-situ test area plan, (Philip will share a Google My Places map with pins) Jesse and Sean
  • SE Quandrant Website, Planned Milwaukie Alignment and Clinton Street Station developments,  Alison, Susie and Ali
  • Portland Planning Links: SE Quadrant Plan, Bulletin #1: Background on Industrial Sanctuary Policy, PDF pg 10; Johnson Economic Report new programming uses PDF pg 21-25, Makerspace example of  Ford Brochure, Gilliam and Matt
  • Materials Catalog of Neighborhood and or Site, see James Corner Collage ‘Planting Diagram’ of site (material, time, plan), Shawn, Molly and Kari
  • Zoning Use or Actual use analysis (residential, office, industrial, open space, institutional use, ground floor shops,  Faith, David and Josh
  • Transportation Analysis  (Diagrams of MAX, buses, bike access, roads, etc), Scotty, Nicola and Hieu
  • Site Model: Drawings to plan out a class site model at 1/32″ and 3D model of site (Neighborhood or District Scale) , Erik W. Jenni

Qualitative Site Analysis,using site in Portland SE (individual work):

  • Written Paragraph: Thesis question (problem) for the term: what is a Makerspace? Who does it effect? Why is it important?
  • Attachment quality: What is the quality to ‘attach’ to that responds to the problem of community design between workers and residents in the Clinton Street Station neighborhood (Division)? How do you describe this in works, photos or indicators of it in public space- consider what supported your qualities in the Lawrence Hall spaces.
  • Quality, measured: Informational graphics and quantifiable statistics in Portland or SE, comparative to known locations such as NYC or national averages.  Include relevant question local culture over time (24 hours of day, 7 days of week, seasons?) (Example: entrepreneurship, new startups, bike riders, age demographics per city, rainfall, cloudy days, avg temperature)
  • Indicators of Quality: Identify indicators present in the site for mapping on Friday, 2 indicators each per person (coordinate each class of 12 students)
  • Unit: Diagram an abstract unit experience at a parcel highlighting these indicators. (3D axo)
  • Map: Diagram a series of these indicators along the walking path or 3×3 test area. (Map)

Qualities List:

  • Ability to see (lighting)
  • Ability to see out (view)
  • Ability to be seen (visual exposure)
  • Ability to sit (casually vs formally; with interaction with others)
  • Ability to interact socially (alone but observe others, 1 on 1, group of 3-4, larger assembly)
  • Ability to write or use a laptop
  • Ability to work or ‘make’ (use hand tools, power tools, digital fabrication tools, etc)
  • Ability to present design work (pin-up, white board, digital)
  • Ability to gather in large groups
  • Ability to eat, snack, drink
  • *Ability to hear, smell, feel, taste
  • *Ability to have shelter from rain, cold, noise
  • *Ability to meet new people
  • *Ability to share new ideas, see new ideas
  • *Ability to orient oneself with the plan such as view of Big Pink
  • *Ability to feel a connection to nature