Assignment for Pinup, Monday, November 3rd

Assignment for Pinup, Monday , November 3rd, (tiled 11 x 17’s b&w are fine)

Below is a list of minimum requirements. Please also bring other design drawings, models, plan and sectional work. All Rhino work should not be shown as screen captures but as refined DRAWINGS with line weights, line types, labels, etc refined in Autocad and Illustrator.

Two-Word Title

Quality (Overall Human Experience) and 3 conditions of that quality.

Generative Diagram– revise. Push the language.


Site Strategy Diagrams (2-3) -revise. Zoom in to site plan or neighborhood scale.

3D Parti Drawing, Axonometric Drawing via media exercise 3 (revise) – darker line at outer boundary, dashed line for hidden interior lines, highlight color for major spaces (lobby and important spaces according to your IDEAS). Lightly show the context of the curb and or adjacent volumes. label Division and 12th street (small).

3D Parti Drawing + Circulation, see above but modeling/drawing circulations. Outer boundary line of 50′ x 100′ x 65′ boundary box dashed.

*Consider a third 3D Parti subtly differentiating your spaces according to you QUALITIES / Conditions of qualities. Consider LINES (differentiated by line type and or line weight)- language of drawing lines.


**collage color if you want this last option or another. We will do perspectives this week. Communicate your ideas- not illustrating realism.

Site Plan, 1/16″ ground floor plan and immediately adjacent site. Include doors. Label spaces. Add furniture and or loading vehicle if helpful. label streets.

Site Section, 1/16″ (or series of 1-3 sections through building). label spaces. Add people in illustrator or Photoshop (google “PNG Entourage” or “entourage people”).

Structural Unit and Grid – What is you structural unit? Size of timber columns? Thickness of load bearing walls if any? Ideas where are columns vs walls. Ideas / diagrams for modular or walls / structure if they align or not.

3D Parti Model, 1/32″, revise – Wood, acrylic or other material specific to quality.

Basswood and balsa wood are very easy to shape in the shop with the band saw or even the power sander.


Some context in paper with 1-2 or more white extrusions would be effective. Neatly mount on white board.