Site Analysis
Thu “Jenni” Huynh
ARCH 681 | Fall 2014
Keyes & Speranza
Seven, Pidgen – “Envelope”
“develop attachments” to make design accountable
less emphasis on new architectural effects, more emphasis on establishing legitimacy & agency
excuse = justification, expression to efficiency (justify design, make design less to do more
form → general | envelope → specific (to building construction)
Corner, James – ‘Unlike Life Itself’
being “robust & open” creates resilience
‘machinic stage for the performance of life’ → machinic in sense of ever-changing, but specifically made for that environment?
flexibility and adaptation WITH the addition of specific material form and precise design organizations
we must design beyond just adaptation → design intelligence
A makerspace is a stimulated and inspiring space for beings to think, create, and produce anything from nothing. Our site and makerspace will affect everyone who commutes across 12th Street and Division, the Clinton Street neighborhood, the Industrial District on a lesser scale, and the “doer” population of Portland. From the teaspoon to the universe, this space has the capacity to effect the world.
A quality to attach is the ease of walking/biking/driving to this makerspace, specifically the entrances and width of the sidewalk. The crossing of 12th Strett & Division creates crowding – lets give them something to look at, lets inspire them to come into this makerspace. With the independent firms, dining options, and neighborhoods nearby – we can respond to the field conditions.