Walls: cut, change of plans, floor lines steps, floor textures in grey. Doors. Windows. See example provided. *Dashed for major things above like beams, trusses,…
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/07/arts/design/agnes-denes-the-shed-review.html You all have access to the NYTimes via UO. https://researchguides.uoregon.edu/nytimes https://around.uoregon.edu/content/uo-community-now-has-digital-access-new-york-times e
<<insert late night listening favorites here>> I’m trying to get away from Thom Yorke since the winter. love the tree limbs / leaves swinging from…
Course Software Required (Please install Windows and other software asap): MS Windows & Adobe Creative Cloud (PC Preferable) Rhino 7.0 for Windows, $195 (https://www.rhino3d.com/sales/north-america/United_States) Department of Architecture…
Ben Prager, prior student and Graduate Teaching Fellow (GE), 2014 (left image), now a strategic planner at WeWork “I know that we will be throwing…
**Students are required to digitally post work to the weblog WITH A FEATURE IMAGE unless stated otherwise: last_first_610_F20_01.jpg at 2000×2000 pixels. DO NOT UPLOAD PDFs…
Link to exhibit here Artists have long used instructions and abstract concepts to produce their work, employing mathematical principles, creating thought diagrams, or establishing rules…
I took these pictures in the Superilles (new urban units of shared streets) in Barcelona. Stacked logs! I threw in some other AMAZING groundscapes!