Field Condition

Field Condition

From Object to Field:

The idea the the collective whole is unified by the space or the field just feels right. Taking this from an interior perspective, it is less about the specific objects placed in a room and more about the flow from one thing to another. The couch and the coffee table can be different as long as the relationship between the two of them is protected. The space between the objects is what dominates the field and unifies objects without losing their uniqueness.

Geometric vs. Algebraic Combination:

The decorative beauty of geometric systems like symmetry and ornament specific to classical architecture have their place in the world of design. I am interested in the more algebraic intention that can add or subtract from what is already existing. The notion of being able to add on and not lose the beauty of the original creation is so important to sustainable design and adaptive reuse. I am interested in digging more into this idea. How can closure be created when altering more classical buildings without having to fall into it’s specific hierarchy of design rules.


Walking out of Cubism:

The movement into minimalism from cubism seems like any other change in style period to period. It always strives to be vastly different from what came before. I appreciate the idea of minimalism as working towards simple combinations and letting the chosen materials guide the design.  Within architecture, I find buildings that reveal their structure to be more beautiful and the simple combination of the materials that created it are often enough to carry the beauty.

Thick 2D: Moires, Mats:

Moire shows the regular field with emerging figures in order to create strategic schemes. The figures seem random and often like they are not composed of the repetitiveness and regular-ness they are. The play of scale and proportion allows the figures themselves to be different but the field and space to remain similar.


Flocks, Schools, Swarms, Crowds:

I think the Boid patterns are extremely interesting in how they demonstrate local relationships. The boids have the same localized rules and adapted based on their own environment but still ended up following a larger pattern. Crowds and humans need a guidance of local rules to follow. Creating architecture that starts within the interior space and the circulation can provide a pattern to follow. People can be lead by the relationship between various objects throughout a space and fall into a pattern within it.