Arch 610 Exercise 1.1
A Field condition in its concept can be a way of connecting elements, points or ideas while keeping the individual character of each intact. The shapes that make up the whole are less important than the way that each individual piece corresponds to one another.
Transformations over time can happen in many different ways anc can be expressed in mathematical ways. Traditionally there were rules set in place to dictate how architecture was to be built and how it was to be replicated. Current trends use geometry to influence architecture rather than a set of rules.
There are repetitions and patterns that are inherent in nature as well as a phenomena that can be seen in AI. The idea that crowds are operating at the edge of control, that they move as a whole away from one another and back toward one another. The idea that a bird in a flock will never stay far away from the other birds and each decision that it makes is based off of the birds around it, but it will never be able to be able to see the whole picture it is a part of.
The thickening and intensification of experience at specified moments in a city, creating mored depth, more height, and thickened surfaces. These areas of where the masses of people are, that bring many different aspects of architecture into a single, small space.
There is a need to rethink conventional institutions. We are in a position to tailor the way we use architecture and not only anticipate the uncertainty, but embrace it in our thinking and practice. If we are able to step outside of the lines we might be able to learn from what we see.