1a. Diagramming

1a. Diagramming

Paragraph 1 – Idea 1

A moire was the first idea that caught my attention in the reading. Due to the nature of this assignment in regard to diagramming, a moire is a concrete concept to show by diagramming the irregularities in continuous fields. I found it compelling how the reading discussed the idea of a city containing a sky scraper that stands out from the overall urban fabric and how that, in itself, exhibits the emergence from a regular field.


Pathways / Circulation / Density


Paragraph 2 – Idea 2

The ideas of flocks in the reading shows how behavior patterns affects the overall structure of such bodies of movement. Even though the flock is a field phenomenon that is defined by precise conditions, obstructions do not make much difference to the whole, as the behavior patterns of these groups are regular within themselves. The fluid adjustment marks for a regular pattern to emerge.


Disperse / Moving North / Moving South


Paragraph 3 – Idea 3

Crowds, on the other hand, offer a different kind of pattern. Instead of fluid regularity, there are harsher motivations. There is also a much deeper variety to these groups concerning the types of crowds. The reading discusses religious crowds to those gathering for a spectacle, and how each of these might drastically differ.


Dancing / Waiting / Walking


Paragraph 4 – Idea 4

Operating at the edge of control is a point made in the reading that correlates with what field conditions allow. Crowds and swarms are said to operate at the edge of control – they are moving together but also away and towards one another. This is yet another suggestion of what formal possibilities there are.


Low / Medium / High


Paragraph 5 – Idea 5

Field conditions will always allow for change and disruption. It is a space of architecture that allows for regularity to become irregular naturally. The reminder that static, accidents, and disruptions will make way in any formal system is an important concept when thinking about field conditions and their tendencies. This idea of admitting change is always present, as there are no simple equations for behavior and organization.


High / Medium / Low