Incomplete Manifesto for Growth Allow events to change you. You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you….
**Students are required to digitally post work to the weblog WITH A FEATURE IMAGE unless stated otherwise: last_first_610_F20_01.jpg at 2000×2000 pixels. DO NOT UPLOAD PDFs…
Ben Prager, prior student and Graduate Teaching Fellow (GE), 2014 (left image), now a strategic planner at WeWork “I know that we will be throwing…
Course Software Required (Please install Windows and other software before the spring term): MS Windows & Adobe Creative Cloud (PC Preferable) Rhino 6.0 for Windows,…
<<insert late night listening favorites here>> I’m on Thom Yorke since the winter. love the tree limbs / leaves swinging from the wind. Eucalyptus? I…