Rhino Notes 1 (Week_02)

Rhino Introductory

Rhino interface – command prompt, snapping with osnap, drawing ribbon and toolbar, panning, rotating view


  1. Type Options>Units>Model Units to “feet” and Distance Display to “Feet+Inches”
  2. Ortho>toggle on/off
  3. Onsnap = happiness (same as AutoCAD)
  4. Smart Tracking> can also be helpful
  5. Dragging left to right (solid box) vs right to left (dotted box) is exactly like AutoCAD
  6. Panning and Orbiting.
  7. Last but certainly not least…LAYERS.

Topic_01: Drafting in Rhino

  1. Line>recap on last week…
  2. Type Polyline>specify start point at 0,0, specify next point at a distance of”x”, next point at a distance of “x”, etc.
  3. Control Point Curve>specify start point, next point, etc…Points On>control points
  4. Type Circle>specify start point at 0,0, specify radius length a distance of “x”
  5. Type Rectancle>specify start point at 0,0, specify other corner at “x,y” (10,10)
  6. Type Rectangle>in command line select 3 Point (in parenthesis)
  •         Specify start point at 0,0, specify end of first edge at a distance of “x”
  •         Specify width at a distance of “x”, Hit Enter
  1. Type Offset>select curve to offset (or geometry), specify offset at a distance “x”
  2. Type Polygon>in command line select Sides (in parenthesis)
  •         Change number of sides to desired amount at “x”
  •         Specify center point at 0,0

Topic_02: Editing Linework in Rhino

  1. Type Trim>select cutting object (curve of geometry, hold shift to select multiple objects)> Select object(s) to trim
  2. Type Join>select all curves to join. (creates single polyline from individual lines/polylines)
  3. Type Divide>select curves to divide,Hit “Enter” upon first prompt in command line specifying the seam point (Hitting Enter leaves it at its default setting which is fine)
  •         Specify number of segments at a number “x”, Hit Enter
  1. Type Split>select curve to split, select intersecting curve as cutting object, Enter
  2. Type Scale> select object, specify origin point (first point of reference length)
  •         Specify second point of reference length.
  •         Type in new value of “x” to override reference length.

Topic_03: Exporting from Rhino

  1. File>Export/Export selected (Export Selected allows you to export selected items instead of all of the geometry)
  2. Label file a given name, in a desired location on your harddrive
  3. Click Save As in the drop down menu below File Name.
  •         Scroll through list to “AutoCAD drawing (*.dwg)” Hit Enter
  •         New window pops up, Leave as Default.
  •         To save Rhino layers export as “Adobe Illustrator (*.ai)”
  1. Place geometry in Adobe Illustrator (File>Place)


Commands: Default Shortcut

  • Grid Snap:  F9  (can also be located in the toolbar typically docked in the bottom of the window)
  • Ortho:  F8  (can also be located in the toolbar typically docked in the bottom of the window)
  • Osnap:  (can also be located in the toolbar typically docked in the bottom of the window)
  • Point
  • Curve
  • Rectangle
  • Circle
  • Trim: T
  • Move:  M
  • Copy:  CO
  • Zoom:  Z
    • Extents:  E
  • Group:  Ctrl G
  • Undo:  Ctrl Z
  • Distance:  DIST
  • Gumball
  • Rebuild Curve
    • Degrees 1,1
    • Degrees 3,3
  • Rotate
  • Split
  • Scale1D
  • Scale2D

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