Lecture 01: Drawing Systems

figure 1, “A Bird Ballet,” by more

figure 2, “Baraka” by Ron Fricke 1993, more info

Figure 3, “Flight Patterns,” by Aaron Koblin

  1. http://www.aaronkoblin.com/work/flightpatterns/index.html
  2. Mapping data to visualize emergence of patterns.
  3. Discovery through mapping of unit to whole.
  4. Data visualization.

2014 (today)

2017 (UO graduation)

2027 (Design leadership)

1999/2000…. (UVa, 94-97 all hand media / GSAPP, 00-02 paperless studios)




I. Diagramming: Abstraction + Synthesis

II. Analog Parametrics

III. Digital Parametrics


I.Diagramming: Abstraction + Synthesis

1.1  /// Diagramming


1.2 /// Time-based Diagrams

emergence through adaptive managment

1.3 /// Generative Diagrams + Precedent

week diagrams

week 3

week 4

II.Analog Parametrics

2.1  /// 2D Tiling

week 4_

2.2  /// 3D Tiling

week 5

2.3  /// Lighting and Mapping

week 6

III.Digital Parametrics

3.1  /// Parametric Material Experience

week 7

week 9 paramtric structure

3.2  /// Final Studio Presentation


3.3  Media Event 1:1 Mockup Digital Fabrication




Abstraction + Synthesis


  1. What is abstraction?
  2. What is the purpose of abstraction?

Abstraction / Representation

  1. What is the difference between abstraction and representation?
  2. What is the difference between diagrammatic and representational?


figure, 14: Napoleon’s March to Moscow, http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/minard

What data is embedded in the diagram? Is it abstract, diagrammatic, representational?

The individual unit actually has very little meaning by itself because it doesn’t lend itself to any greater understanding that the synthesis of units acting together.


figure x, “Pithoprakta” by Iannis Xenakis, http://www.inderscience.com/jdr/backfiles/articles/issue2004.02/Art2.html

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