Vray for Rhino Notes
Make object, Sphere
Move it above 0,0 pt
…try to locate your object at 0,0,0.
Make sure you have plane under your object.
Toolbar layout, VRAY
/// We will explain four lighting sources:
in Vray, 1) Global Illumination and 2) sun system
Rhino, 3) point light and 4) rectangular light (there is also spotlight and other lights)
1) Global Illumination (GI)
– for use more with exterior renderings
“Add VRAY infinite plane” (you will need that)
Control your layers
Make a layer for “sphere”
Make a layer for “infinite_plane”
Set rendering engine: Render/render engine/Vray for Rhino
Try default settings
/// VRAY/ options (“O” icon)
/// Camera// shutter speed/ 400 (lowering the number allows more light into the ‘camera’)
/// Output / quick ones are ok at 320×240 (efficiency of testing is important!)
2) Sun System
New layer for “sun_system”
on toolbar “add sunlight system”
comes up with the time.
Don’t worry where the arrow is.
*you need to change the global illumination (try clicking it off)
Environment / options are “m” button
Default / light 01
Uncheck “override “
Same for background
**test.. should see blue tone from sky
time of day will affect the color and direction of light and shadow
select the sun
properties window (rainbow icon on top)
change from object to light
“modify” we can change the time to 1:00pm
you can change the color of the sky
/// To save these images you can click the save icon, change the file type
you can change the color of the sky, Environment/ sky color
you can change the shutter speed as well to affect the briteness
Rhino lights, “Render”
Make a new layer
Turn off sunlight
3) Rectangular Light
// make rectangular light (you can mirror the direction, line points in direction of light)
For interior lights you need to change some more things.
*File / Restore Defaults
delete layer “sun systems”
Camera, turn off, use the default camera. You control the light more.
Disable the Environment GI “m” off, and turn GI off outside
Global switches, uncheck “default” lights
Properties from Object to Light
Multiplier 2
Options, uncheck “no decay”
Move the light source closer, and above right
4) Point Light
Make point light, top right
decay, leave on “linear”
you can check on and off “Light”
Material Properties (from download)
VRAY, Material editor
Change default material to red, select object,
rename “red_ball” right click “apply material to objects”
Vray will reflect light and color
+ sign, the order will affect them, will need transparency at top
Emissive is giving off light
Diffuse is color and matte
Refractions is refracting layers
…add reflection, Add new layer
Reflection, I use the default
you can change settings in “m”
fresnal- look from angle
refraction- look straight on
shade of grey will affect, darker grey, makes it duller
*leave on default reflection
to make transparent
“diffuse” layer/ light grey is more transparent
test with dark grey (light starts to go through it)
Right click, Add Material, add VRAY MATERIAL
Copy ball
Rename “purple_ball”
VRAY has default materials/ Import new materials
(you will be directed)
make new material
Mapping Materials (wood)
**if you download a material, make a new folder and put it in its own folder along with any associated files that came with it.
Make new material
Rename “wood”
Diffuse/ Type/ bitmap/ File (select the file you want)
to change density of pattern, diffuse, Unit Tiling, U 5, V 5 *test