V-ray Materials and Settings Template
There is a new folder posted to the course server with some helpful things for V-ray. The vismat library is the default library of materials that comes with V-ray and can be downloaded from their website. To use those, save the folder somewhere, then in the V-ray options menu pick “Load Material” from the left side box and go find the folder.
There are also two .visopt files, which are saved presets of all the V-ray options. One is for a flat skylight and sun system, which is what we are learning in lab this week. The other replaces the skylight with an HDR sky image, which projects environmental light more convincingly. You’ll need to download the HDR images to the same place you download the visopt file for that to work. The Rhino file that is in the folder is set up to work with either options file, though you may need to adjust the sun intensity. To use the visopt files, open the V-ray options window and click the Load Settings icon at the very top.