Lecture 01: Drawing Systems

figure 1, “A Bird Ballet,” by more


figure 2, “Baraka” by Ron Fricke 1993, more info

Figure 3, “Flight Patterns,” by Aaron Koblin

  1. http://www.aaronkoblin.com/work/flightpatterns/index.html
  2. Mapping data to visualize emergence of patterns.
  3. Discovery through mapping of unit to whole.
  4. Data visualization.

2014 (today)

2017 (UO graduation)

2027 (Design leadership)

1999/2000…. (UVa, 94-97 all hand media / GSAPP, 00-02 paperless studios)




I. Diagramming: Abstraction + Synthesis

II. Analog Parametrics

III. Digital Parametrics


I.Diagramming: Abstraction + Synthesis

1.1  /// Diagramming


1.2 /// Time-based Diagrams

emergence through adaptive managment

1.3 /// Generative Diagrams + Precedent

week diagrams

week 3

week 4

II.Analog Parametrics

2.1  /// 2D Tiling

week 4_

2.2  /// 3D Tiling

week 5

2.3  /// Lighting and Mapping

week 6

III.Digital Parametrics

3.1  /// Parametric Material Experience

week 7

week 9 paramtric structure

3.2  /// Final Studio Presentation


3.3  Media Event 1:1 Mockup Digital Fabrication




Abstraction + Synthesis


  1. What is abstraction?
  2. What is the purpose of abstraction?

Abstraction / Representation

  1. What is the difference between abstraction and representation?
  2. What is the difference between diagrammatic and representational?


figure, 14: Napoleon’s March to Moscow, http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/minard

What data is embedded in the diagram? Is it abstract, diagrammatic, representational?

The individual unit actually has very little meaning by itself because it doesn’t lend itself to any greater understanding that the synthesis of units acting together.


figure x, “Pithoprakta” by Iannis Xenakis, http://www.inderscience.com/jdr/backfiles/articles/issue2004.02/Art2.html

Big Data

  1. Data driven design decisions
  2. Role of data in discovery of design strategies
  3. Data sources

tumblr_ltm4urUA2U1qzjoreo1_400   carte-touriste-paris

figure x, Visual Complexity,  Manuel Lima, great repository for complex diagrams based on data, also http://www.fundacionpalazuelo.com/

figure x, Mapping of Paris

The unit is individuals taking photographs and their geolocation, whole is the delineation of tourist photos and versus non-tourist photos

Suspended Particles and Urban Design Criteria, Speranza-Viader, Urban Design and Computing

ACADIA_desktop P1080814

Air Pollution 01
Air Pollution 01_heat map


Natural Systems

  1. Drawing Water
  2. http://sansumbrella.com/works/2011/drawing-water/
  3. Wind Animation
  4. http://hint.fm/wind/index.html


System  = Unit + Organization / External Force

  1. Relationship of unit to whole
  2. Impact that application of external force has on unit and system


figure x, Echelman Sculpture Unit and Force Diagram

  1. Unit – diamond
  2. Whole – sculpture


figure x, “Her Secret is Patience” by Janet Echelman, Philip Speranza and Buro Happold

JEI vancouver 2

vancouver 1

figure X, “Sky Garden” by Janet Echelman, Philip Speranza and Buro Happold, Richmond-Vancouver 2010 Olympic Oval



GTF Matthew Nyweide


Exercise 01

Toyo Ito toyo ito7

ito_sendai03toyo ito8Image

figure x, “Sendai Media Center,”  Toyo Ito, 


figure x, Josef Albers, more info


figure x,  Peter Eisenman


figure x, Stan Allen

Iannis Xenakis_Musique. Architecture_Tournai, Casterman, 1976

16xenakis3c__2_ 06 Iannis 1

figure x, Iannis Xenakis

  1. http://www.iannis-xenakis.org/xen/
  2. http://people.mills.edu/toda/chance/noframes.html
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWdQBblec0M&list=PLFy0d5qEa3gj1_lNQzVFeL9cHjjCihyT3


Measured Lines


Use Autocad to command the measurement of lines and their arrangement in space. Use Illustrator to control line weight, line type and other design communication characteristics.


Diagram, by Stan Allen

Enric Miralles and Carme Pinos

admire the lines…

Enric’s wiki here.  A google search will also provide some great images for exploration especially now as we explored measured drawing. EMBT is the current office headed by his wife Benedetta Tagliabue.

Click here for a good interview with Alejandro Zaera.

Additional article on Miralles and lines


La Gardunya 1

La Gardunya 2

figure x, Plaza de Bergonya, by Carme Pinos

Pinos bridge

figure x, Parti Diagrams, by Carme Pinos Estudio

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figures x, Mercat de Santa Caterina by Enric Miralles and Benetta Tagliabue, EMBT, Barcelona, Catalunya

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figure X, Gas Natural by Enric Miralles and Benetta Tagliabue, EMBT, Barcelona, Catalunya


Miralles scan 2

figure X, Palafolls Public Libary, by EMBT


figure x, Piso en Mercador, by Enric Miralles, Barcelona, Catalunya




figures X, Archery Range for the 1992 Olympic Games, Enric Miralles and Carme Pinos.

The elegant single-line drawings of the section are of particular value.  Lines!


figure X, Igualada Cemetery by Enric Miralles and Carme Pinos, Igualada, Catalunya

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Image converted using ifftoany

figure x, Usonian Addition, by Sassi Speranza Architects, Mt. Pleasant, NY



figure X, Drawings from the book Geo-Logics and Towards a Self-Sufficient Habitat, by Vicente Guallart, more, presentation




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