Exercise revision, Lecture 07, files on server, examples!
Please see the revised Arch 610_F14_Exercise 07 – I changed much of the assignment but must have typed control-z one times too many without noticing the changes. Sorry. Lecture 07_Digital Parametrics may also be downloaded with examples.
Please see the AAA Server \\aaafileserver.uoregon.edu\Courses\2014-Fall-ARCH610-Sperenza\Lab Section Definitions
for revised files. All Grasshopper files have an associated Rhino files with point or lines in Rhino (GOOD PROTOCOL)!
If you would like to see the templates for next week they may be found here:
\\aaafileserver.uoregon.edu\Courses\2014-Fall-ARCH610-Sperenza\02 Wall System Templates
Exercise 07 Examples
ARCH 222 Spring 2014 (bench instead of wall system)
ARCH 222 Winter 2011 (wall system but different assignment with less Rhino 3D- additional studies not shown)
Case Study
The Grasshopper Primer (manual) may be found in the Lab Section Definitions fold or here.
Grasshopper Primer_Second Edition_090323