Research 1.4

Research 1.4

After meeting with my partner, we combined our ideas to include looking at unsafe walkability and the need for more pedestrian space. We are exploring how creating more green spaces or community spaces could also help create more buffering space for the street.
General Problem World Wide
Places all over the world have structured their cities specifically around cars and have leaned heavily into that being the main mode of transportation. With massive urban sprawl comes a need for streets to travel longer distances, however this often breaks up the urban landscape and doesn’t leave larger spaces within the central city for both community gathering space and to provide a safer, more pleasant urban environment.
Problem Specific to Eugene
The critical problem that Eugene faces is that overall the walkability of Eugene has continued to suffer over the years. Narrow sidewalks with little to no street buffer keeps pedestrians very close to the street and the loud environment. There is not enough community/open space for people to be able to walk around Eugene while being able to sit and rest and talk with one another. I think looking at these issues could help the people in Eugene by providing a different view of the city as a place you want to gather at, instead of just a means of getting here to there.