Google Earth Studio, Premiere, Movie notes

Google Earth Studio, Premiere, Movie notes

Google Earth studio (+ other)

Rushed saturated background..eye level or aerial – See also Philippe Rahm!  But attack final rendering look.

Push graphs. Lots. (Data over time)
Push z-line tool at various scales of 3×3, plaza, linear walks, scenario walks.
Join two teams – comparative two points
**That is basis of findings
Findings are basis of design strategies
Tigard video clip timing of google fly over And data path Animated z-line

Google Earth Animated route using Google My Maps KML (KMZ zipped) Google Earth Studio Adobe After effects Key frames Time of data feature for shadows and sun KML overlay in aftereffects next Overlay window to reposition camera north if desired. Used to construct KML file that is brought into Aftereffect.
Can then remove key frames.
KML can not import into Aftereffect. KML uses lat and long. Aftereffects uses SGV psuedo  universerak transverse macader file. Add track points.
Overlay and hide it in render. Advanced setting include java script.
File/scripts/ run script file (delete text files) Go to frame with top down.
KML to SVG to do conversion (find free web service) Illustrator. Open SVG file. Select path. Join lines. Copy back to aftereffects.
Draw shape. In context, path, paste. (Replace path) 3d model Staples Center as target.
Zoom size. (North up. No rotation needed) Zoom in and adjust. Fine tuning.
Keep adjusting scale
Overlap of path on road system. Animate it next.
(Google Earth has curvature built in. )
Add entering path to animate path
Adjust start and end points
Set point at start and zero
Can set key frames inside to slow down
(Path markers may hide line)
((This is a horrible example of course because it’s an helicopter view of a car path! Think about human perception and or animal perception)).
Drop shadow effect. Adjust
Change size and color of line.
Change shadow to glow (same as z-line post processing) Tron reference – Kosinski Can key frame line thickness!

Sound code for red sound sensor.

you can download their INO Arduino script from Youtube link.
peakToPeak = signalMax – signalMin;                    // max – min = peak-peak amplitude
int db = map(peakToPeak,20,900,49.5,90);             //calibrate for deciBels

peakToPeak = signalMax – signalMin;                    // max – min = peak-peak amplitude

volts = ((peakToPeak*5)/1023);
db = 20 * log10(volts / 0.775);

calibration here:
what is u1, and u2?


Camera Target
Multi view
(Philly setting. Rocky. East coast, whoop whoop )
Right-click: Set Camera Target
Scroll in and out to zoom
Click and drag
Dynamically linked top view and camera view.
Move camera Target. Red circle of key frame camera Target. Key frame set. Key frames are attributes.
Play head will snap back value. Must key frame.
Move target and set camera Target key frame and position.
Now you see line as path between key frames.
Can move camera and add key frame.
Drag camera out and key frame.
Automatic smoothing. Adjust handles.
Right click – smooth path.  Make linear. Command click to toggle between. Or unlink.
Multi view angle.
N s e w views
Influence attribute camera Target
Overriding pan and tilt.
If influence to zero, camera will go to keyframes Set influence back to 100 GES will blend or smooth override and camera target key frame focus.
Adobe Aftereffects tutorial from Matous
(How to scale line at minute 18:00)  How to animate data

  • Go to Time on timeline
  • Use pen tool to draw a line (preferably straight line)

  • click anchor point icon upper left and select base of scale on line

  • In Layer Name, expand the Shape layer, then Transform, then select Scale and confirm start scale (ex. 0%, 0%)

  • Move the Time on the Timeline to the end of animate time
  • Return to Transform and Scale and set to 100%, 0% (the first % is vertical) Note: to the left of Scale you will see scale, current and end icons to jump to the initial animation points.

(You may also need to click on the stopwatch next to the Transform –

!!Post Movie and Key slides to WordPress Category 3.5 Pre-Final
At bottom add section “Reviewer Comments” and then 3 takeaways from each review
Have printed key individual image + a key software skill to review
HIGHLIGHT: CHOOSING KEY ASPECTS (maybe grey out others): quality/ies; moments of time; time periods; locations; scales of location)    Start slide: broad urban design idea then to your idea for Eugene (Ex. Walkability to Experienced Pedestrian Vitality or Walk Vitality)
Design Unit – design a detailed element of the design unit and composite info around it
White background example
Social Code project