- Not Unlike Life Itself by James Corner
- Field Conditions by Stan Allen
- The Art of the Long View By Peter Schwartz
- Between Diagrams and Matter by Alejandro Zaera-Polo
- Diagrams Matter, by Stan Allen
02 Readings, Urban Design
Ten Lessons on Barcelona_Ch 05, Manuel Sola-Morales
22@10 years, Manuel Bailo
Towards-a-self-sufficient-habitat, Vicente Guallart
. supplemental readings, urban design
- A Thousand Years of Non Linear History, Manuel DeLanda
- The Nature of Economies_Jacobs, J_Intro
- The Nature of Economies_Jacobs_7
- Los Angeles_The Architecture of Four Ecologies_Reyner Banham
03 Readings, Barcelona Urban Design and Sustainability
Data dimension: accessing urbandata and making it accessible (Carlo Ratti, MIT SENSEable Cities Lab),
Sustainable Urban Expansions: the Legacy of the Cerdà Plan by Salvador Rueda,
Cities from the Bottom Up: 22@ Planning, A System Attached to Change, by Philip Speranza
. supplemental Barcelona urban design readings
- Neighborhood garden in the eixample, S. Rueda
- Parametric Places 22@: Smart Urban Analysis Tools and Place Branding Value Sustainable Intelligent Materials conference, Lisbon, 2013 by Philip Speranza
- Cities from the Bottom Up_Speranza_ACSA 2012 by Philip Speranza
- Cities from the Bottom Up_Speranza_ACSA 2012 (presentation)
04 Readings, Phenomenology
Phenomenon of Place_Introduction
Phenomenon of Place by Christian Norberg-Schulz
Envelope, Pidgen Seven by Alejandro Zaera-Polo
The Difference is in the Detail by Vitello, Willcocks
. supplemental readings on phenomenology
- Towards New Horizons in Architecture by Tadao Ando by Tadao Ando …alt reading
- Geometry of Feeling_Introduction
- Geometry of Feeling by Juhani Pallasma
- Heidegger_Introduction
- Heidegger’s Thinking On Architecture by Christian Norberg-Schulz
. supplemental readings on Place Branding
- Place Branding_Editorial_Anholt
- A country-Spain_GIlmore
- Place Branding from the Bottom Up_Speranza Paper
05 Readings, Data and Politics
Data in cities counterpoint (politics)
“Open City” video, by Morozov