Towards a self-sufficient habitat, by Vicente Gaullart, Head of Urbanism, City of Barcelona http://elpais.com/diario/2009/03/28/opinion/1238194813_850215.html This economic crisis is a fantastic starting point to physically change…

This post will walk you through a simple workflow of bringing OSM data into Rhino using the plugins Grasshopper and Elk. The general workflow you…

As per the email I sent out in December, please have mastered the following 3 tutorials. You will need to download the ELK plugin to…

Please review this video and PDf from class: /// “Superilles: una estratègia per regenerar Barcelona” BCNecologia_Presentacio Superilles found at Barcelona’s website for Superilles notice…

Please readings and type a 2-4 sentence paragraph of comments and questions for each reading. (also found in the readings page tab of this blog)…