Reading Response - Relf

Reading Response – Relf

Question: in what ways can sharing data with the public start to lead to negative outcomes instead of the intended positives? Would the negative outcomes skew the current data and invalidate it?

In Data dimension: accessing urban data and making it accessible , I found that data is great for making sense of urban dynamics especially in a digital format (for this class for example). I really like that there are ‘smart dust sensors’ that are picking up on data all of the time and even democratizing access to data. By making data accessible, they are giving the public the power to make informed decisions and sometimes even provoking action.

Question: because we know that the data can change over time, is there any way that we can fool proof it not to in an outdoor environment?

In Atmosphere InFormed, students were learning about how design can be informed by atmosphere. It was interesting to see the application of the Ladybug plugin for the Hudson House in Hyde Park, NY. It is also so important to note that thanks to the study done in Barcelona, we know that problems and data can change quickly just by a change in policy, a new building, a new store, or even a new seating arrangement. I feel that it is pretty exciting to see the data from a site and do our best as designers to use the data in a responsible manner.