Great maps! How did you get the speed info, google maps? would be interesting to see more speed limits, especially ones at and around the site. Crazy the speed limit in the superilles is 6mph!
The roads are from the Eugene GIS hub website. I just filtered them in QGIS and then put them over the map 🙂
speranza@uoregon.eduJanuary 18, 2024 at 3:31 pm · Log in to reply. →
Great to see! We will focus on data acquisition and Elk this term and not city scale data, this is more for location and very general systems identification – regarding Andrew’s reply. Ignacio has some great QGIS tutorials, though a difference scale method than this class.
Great maps! How did you get the speed info, google maps? would be interesting to see more speed limits, especially ones at and around the site. Crazy the speed limit in the superilles is 6mph!
The roads are from the Eugene GIS hub website. I just filtered them in QGIS and then put them over the map 🙂
Great to see! We will focus on data acquisition and Elk this term and not city scale data, this is more for location and very general systems identification – regarding Andrew’s reply. Ignacio has some great QGIS tutorials, though a difference scale method than this class.