- Short Streets/Blocks
- I’m interested by Jane Jacob’s principle that “short streets/blocks that enhance a diversity of route choices and experiences” bolster the urban experience. I love this is an idea to think about, as all the most magical cities have secret places to explore, and excitingly different paths to keep life engagement in the city different day by day. It’s not a principle I would have thought of myself, but I like the character it brings.
- Blocks as Villages
- I enjoy the idea of promoting a tight community and strong neighborhood connection by designing multi-block areas as villages. I do wonder what this means for the connection of a whole city as one community though. How important is it to keep various neighborhoods across the city tied together in some way? How diverse is too diverse for a city to maintain a unified identity? Is there a point where that happens, and is that a problem or not?
- Data Collection Methods
- I found it interesting that majority of the data collected was spatial (e.g. transit access), but also included demographics, including age. I don’t think I really follow how collecting human demographic data was done during the survey. Was this just a broad estimation of everyone’s age on the street at the time of data collection? Or is this where broader data sources were used?