Kaling Phung: 1.1 Reading Response

Data dimension: access urban data and making it accessible

The article explained how emergent communication networks help us understand urban dynamics. This part of the article stood out to me because instantly it reminded me of times when I open an app on my phone that requires the GPS, there is a pop-up that appears asking whether to have the app track all locations or not. I declined the request, however, it made me realize that these businesses can share this information with the public since consent is given by the tech user. However, if they want a better success rate of more people accepting to track their GPS, what can be another way to gain more people to participate in the action?

Atmosphere Informed

The article emphasized how functionality and accessibility are the keys to successful architecture and urban designs. While reading this article, I was intrigued by the idea of using different data-collecting tech programs that provide different variations of results. They all are similar however have different ways of displaying the data. This had me feeling lucky and excited because I’m excited to see how I can utilize as many programs as I can to have a better understanding of architectural projects. I also learned that even with renderings, yes it can display the use of the program or space, however, utilizing different objects or reactions to weather can help with having a better understanding of a location too, such as condensation on a window during a cold day. I’m interested to see how rendering can help me inform my data collection clearly through visuals since there is much discovery later on.