paragraph two - RK

paragraph two – RK

Specific problem in Barcelona: lots of asphalt plazas as superblocks – these hardscapes reduce the urban canopy, in turn reducing human health and the breadth of animal life in the area.

qualities to measure: Air quality index in superblock vs. suburb/rural? CO2 in superblocks/tree-barren streets. superblocks with planters vs. those without. possibly rate of asthma or other respiratory illness in city. asphalt can also affect noise level as a hard surface. could measure noise level in superblock vs. street vs. elsewhere. could also see if precedents with permeable pavement have a reduction in noise or increase in air quality. Could also check biodiversity on streets/ in superblock to see if it is affected by plantings within the urban streetscape.

  1. air quality 2. health / respiratory illness 3. noise 4. biodiversity

What method to start to studying: TBD, CO2 meters on site cannot be used. Noise maps can be located and lists utilized to convey data, but often times these are based on vehicle traffic and not human traffic. Google does have busy hours graphed for businesses nearby, but this may not apply to public spaces, only the businesses near those public spaces. Health counts for the city may be possible, but not specific to blocks and streets necessarily. Biodiversity may be able to be researched since the site cannot be physically monitored.

research question related to method: TBD