speranza@uoregon.eduAugust 19, 2020 at 4:28 pm · Reply →
intro image can be a bit more grabbing – add a layer of popped data? could be great basis! glowing data over this!
*((i do like the elegant lines)
indicators: good. lots. how to start to indicate which ones are most important to you now?
meander idea: highlight that.
ladybug: whats the period? whats the takeaway (big highlight text over it!!)
Site analysis maps: hard to see from the angle you chose.
say take away! different language of highlight text.
**how to make data glow (see z-line lecture thursday evening)
street design: is this just an identification drawings or shows design?
section: shelter is physical? vegetation? diagram?
radiance analysis would be ideal? north up> etc.
axon: zoom way in. focus on curb?
triangles are icons for something? how to show data / indicator types: icons. talk a bit more about the building use.
biking really important???? form alone will not perform very well at human scale as much as the ground variations.
intro image can be a bit more grabbing – add a layer of popped data? could be great basis! glowing data over this!
*((i do like the elegant lines)
indicators: good. lots. how to start to indicate which ones are most important to you now?
meander idea: highlight that.
ladybug: whats the period? whats the takeaway (big highlight text over it!!)
Site analysis maps: hard to see from the angle you chose.
say take away! different language of highlight text.
**how to make data glow (see z-line lecture thursday evening)
street design: is this just an identification drawings or shows design?
section: shelter is physical? vegetation? diagram?
radiance analysis would be ideal? north up> etc.
axon: zoom way in. focus on curb?
triangles are icons for something? how to show data / indicator types: icons. talk a bit more about the building use.
biking really important???? form alone will not perform very well at human scale as much as the ground variations.