Assignment 1.0 - Project Book, due Oct 15*

Assignment 1.0 – Project Book, due Oct 15*


Paragraph One with one sentence about each 1) what, 2) who it affects and 3) why it is important about

Note: consider citing the underrepresented group, neighborhood, housing and or jobs and a type of ecological issue if important (air, light, sound, water, energy, biofilia, etc)

Paragraph Two explains your interested method how to show both scale and time (week, days of the week, season, years)

Cite two news articles on your local topic. Images?


Infographics to help contextualize the problem (this will help identify qualities and indicators). Can be historic images as well.

3 citations of theories discussed in class via readings, blog posts or similar theoretical writing

Video clip of an interview / sound bit about the problem 10-30 seconds

Video clip of the conceptual or abstract idea of the problem. 3-10 seconds

Method / Data Dictionary (see featured image in Social Code reading): big idea, categories of qualities, qualities, indicators and type of measurement (work-in-progress).

2 examples of graphic representation precedents you like

Timeline of the problem (across day, week, years)


Planometric location map of your neighborhood within your city (you may not need to show the entire city)

3d model your neighborhood including individual buildings (see automated entourage script from Vincent Mai of UO and now Carnegie Mellon). Can be a work in progress.

Plan/aerial perspective of each individual indicator using the GIS VIZ TOOL (4-8 per group). Try to experiment with each tool to customize like, circle, arrow, linked Rhino curve, etc) Data source should be off-site (Google Street View, Google Maps, Yelp, Etc).  30-40 locations. Example drawings:

[R: “Parametric Methods and Place’, Journal of Urban Design, by Philip Speranza]

***Discuss reducing deliverables to project definition or delay submission.