Data dimension
Within this article it can be understood that data and the use of is a very powerful means of understanding our environment and is so easily accessible through things like social media that we should not take it for granted. The trends this data show us about certain things can influence the way we act about and perceive the environment around us. The fact that it is all technological and trend collective allows a side of objectivity that most data these days does not give.
Mobile Cuisine in New York and Portland
The way that food carts emerged from nothing to being a part of daily life is very interesting to me. The emergence of these carts came with a large influx of immigrants who needed jobs and also needed a connection through some cultural element to their homeland so food became that mediator. Creating many jobs, satisfying food cravings and providing a bit of cultural context. This influences the way I see architecture as now architecture can become a problem solver. Providing spaces and areas for these activities to happen I feel is very important as it joins communities.
Social coding
What I understood from this reading is that the representation and summary of data is aiding designers today in understanding their environment and socioeconomic status of that environment much better so that they are able to effectively design s9mehtimg that not only aids the community but also has significance to the way it relates to the context of the buildings around it. The different ways of using data and integration of it seems to be of importance in this reading as it influences and encourages design ideas that might not have been.