Part II Review Daniel and Jerry

Part II Review Daniel and Jerry

  Review II Takeaways Better visualization for z-line tool Simpler icons on base maps Identify the qualities and indicators Goals for the Class Improve skills…

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1.4 Research Daniel and Jerry

1.4 Research Daniel and Jerry

General Problem Worldwide Walkable space and pedestrian-friendly streets have been a great focus for many cities around the world. Traffics, shops, sidewalks and air quality…

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1.2 Reading Chu

1.2 Reading Chu

The study and research on Superilles is full of data collection, analysis and visualization through a three year period and informs us a lot about…

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1.1 Research Chu

1.1 Research Chu

Eugene sometimes experience short burst of smoky days due to wild fires in or close to the city. Last fall, there was about 2-3 smoky…

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1.1 Reading Responses Chu

1.1 Reading Responses Chu

The data researched and analyzed in theĀ Data dimensionĀ are highly human interactive and usually through the medium of phones. The various apps as well as our…

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