Google Earth studio (+ other) Rushed saturated background..eye level or aerial – See also Philippe Rahm! But attack final rendering look. Push graphs. Lots. (Data…
Review II Takeaways Better visualization for z-line tool Simpler icons on base maps Identify the qualities and indicators Goals for the Class Improve skills…
Pin-Up Part II: Allie & Morgan Please use this post instead of previous post for more updated information! 🙂 MOVIE TAKEAWAY COMMENTS: Pin…
2/21/23 – Review Takeaways Sensor data baseline comparison – spencers butte vs project site Focus in on soil permeability Modular stormwater stations (more…
Local Code(lecture) Tigard Movie Outline Introduction: What is the Problem (sound and visual is important) Background: History, Theory Research, Info Graphics, Theoretical Framework (you… Bryant Park (2)
Sensor data baseline comparison – spencers butte vs project site Focus in on soil permeability Modular stormwater stations (more long-term) seating, rain cover, and stormwater…
Analyze the data and data visualization to see where certain qualities are lacking in and around the site to create a more informed design. To…
(90) ARCH423 Pin Up Assignment 2 Morgan & Allie – YouTube Pin up Takeaways: -figure out how to keep public educated about sound quality -sound…
Movie Link: Takeaways Analyze the data and data visualization to see where certain qualities are lacking in and around the site to…